Wednesday, February 14, 2007

His Dark Materials

As some of you might know I have been thoroughly disappointed with the recent trend in children's movies becoming so popular amongst adults.Young adults, and even old adults, will claim that Shrek is their favorite movie. "Finding Nemo is mine!!!" "No no no no I looovvvee The Incredibles." "Harry Potter for meee!!!!!"

It's not that I don't appreciate the craft put of he creators of these movies, I am not attempting to prove their inadequacy. It's just the trend itself that baffles me; why is this happening? At one point in the history of American college kids and hip, progressive types people went to art house theaters and watched movies that frightened, shocked, broke the rules, broke the man, broke your sensibilities. Yes, I know some critics out there say that movies like Shrek are hip and progressive. They provide alternative readings to several recurring, historical narratives. No, they are mere safety valves that allow an audience afraid of drastic disruption of the status quo to safely feel like they are watching something different and sophisticated.

BUT I have digressed. I am about the become the lousiest, sorriest, low-downdest, sack of no good piece of pig vomit that the human race can possibly bring forth----I am about to become a flip flopper.

shriek gasp faint

Not completely, but sort of. I am about to recommend that everyone go out
and buy the Phillip Pullman Trilogy His Dark Materials and, furthermore, watch the movie that is coming out Winter 2007.

The work is directed towards children but has been becoming even more popular with adults because of its subtextual complexity. It has caused quite a stir for its apparently anti-Christian sentiments and has been described as a rebuttal to C.S.
Lewis' work. In my mind it is more anti-organized religion than anti-Christian, but you can be your own judge. Even if you are not so amicable with its symbolic leanings it is wildly entertaining, a fantasy much like Harry Potter (but better of course).

The movie I have heard is supposed to come out either this summer of this winter. And I have read that it will be called either The Golden Compass or His Dark Materials: Northern Lights. The movie will star Nicole Kidman, Sam Elliot, Daniel Craig.


Privatjokr said...

I am not sure the animated market is necessarily overtaking the "cagney says it's cool" market. I think the growing trend is for people who previously did not voice an opinion to promote the adult-friendly children's movies. I think you'll be safe. Don't worry about the 2009 best picture Oscar going to Toy Story 3.

Cagney Gentry said...

Yeah Yeah laugh and point at the movie snob. I think I blogged about this a while back and received much hostility. I guess I am wrong, but I can't help but keep arguing my point. I am not arguing that its a matter of taste, not trying to say I am cool and the people who watch these movies are not, although maybe that is what I seem to be saying. What I am trying to figure out is what this cultural trend is a sign of. Perhaps it is a sign of intelligencia infiltrating the animated movie market. Until someone whose theoretical opinion is respected writes on the issue I suppose I am doomed to the gallows of elitism.

Cagney Gentry said...

Oh sorry, one more thing, the point of the blog is that I am a dirty hypocrite, maybe the answer to the trend lies within me. May the force be with me.

Privatjokr said...

"What I am trying to figure out is what this cultural trend is a sign of."

I just tried to answer that.

It just means people were making their opinions heard when before the animated movies were popular they didn't have an opinion to share.

So you are getting more new responses from people who hadn't sounded off rather than different responses from "legitimate*" movie watchers.


J & C said...

Well,John Boy would certainly agree with you. He hates adults watching animated movies.
But maybe you think too much. Why can't it just be about lightheartedness and the opportunity to get in touch with your inner child. Afterall, isn't it in the innocense of a child's mind that true creativity resides unincumbered by intellect? Chew on that!
Kisses and Hugs. Miss ya. J & C